I hadn’t heard of 1971 REISS but I read the hyperbole on the Dazed and Confused website and if you are interested you can too. I think I have posted a lot of contests here recently two of which were $10,000 contests. This contest pales in comparison cash wise but the winners will get some serious pissing rights and err… some vouchers. I know it’s lame but that’s what you get.

The challenge is to create a design that conveys the year 1971 but apart from that it is pretty open. The top two designs will win £500 in vouchers and their t-shirt designs produced as part of a limited edition collection to be launched during this year’s London Fashion Week. The deadline is July 31st and voting will close on that day too. Needless to say…
LOL, always wanted to do that. I’ll tell you anyway. If you submit on the 31st you probably won’t get many votes. On the other hand I don’t think that contests like this are ever really decided on the number of votes they receive so if you have an excellent design that is ready by July 31st you may as well submit it. And on the plus note (for you designers), they designs that have been submitted (just 6 as I write) are pretty crap (sorry guys). It seems to be open to anyone but be sure to read the Terms and Conditions on dazeddigital.com.
Please comment with your real name using good manners.