Not that long ago I reviewed a couple of shirts that the kind folk over at Babycakes sent over and I admit that it wasn’t all that favorable a review. I thought that one of the shirts, the pink one, was one of the ugliest shirts I have ever seen. I didn’t phrase it quite like that but it could have been inferred. I guess the guys at Babycakes have a pretty good sense of humor as they decided to send me another batch of the almost the same shirts except this time in a large size (I mentioned that they were too small for me to model last time.) Well my opinion hasn’t really changed about these shirts but I will yet again concede that it might be just because they are designed for a generation younger than the one I belong to.

In the previous batch that Babycakes sent we received a black tee with a red and white version of their logo which I thought was cool enough except for the fact that I don’t really like advertising on my tees all that much but this time they sent out a large white tee with the official logo. Interesting move.

The first T shirt is too pinky for men.
No, it is not. It is not “too pinky” for a men. Cool T shirt – that is all.
the company is made of vain 17 year old long haired boys who want to get girls be dressing femine and the only girls it atracts is 13-15 yr olds…jail bait peedo company.
well your ugly and fat so why were them? gaa i hate blogers an the like :/ fucking waist of the internet.
no, i dont think it should all be porn, i know you trolls.
but i mean, mate fuck off if you dont like the shirts dont were them?
an know one cares what you think anymore then they care about what i think, and i dont go round bloging bout it :3 😛 well have a nice day.