I know this is a t-shirt blog and I rarely, if ever mention hoodies, but the truth is that I am a big hoodie fan. Of course they really have to be zipper hoodies. They are comfortable and convenient. If you are cold you can pull the hood up and if you are hot you can open up the front. My friends just think it’s my style but it’s really their practicality that attracts me.
Anyway I received and email from Champion this morning informing me of a hoodie design contest being held called Champion Hoodie Remix. The prize is $500 and the fame from having your design printed by Champion. Seems cool? It’s OK. The site is very slick, very impressive. But as for designing…while you can design almost every area of the hoodie you are restricted to solid colors or patterns that are already provided. That’s right…you can’t upload your own designs as far I can see. So I think it’s more of a patchwork contest than a design contest which is a pity because I am sure that you designers out there would come up with something much better than what they have provided.

The designer is fun though and after first creating a hoodie that I would actually like to wear and finding out that I am not eligible for the contest because I am not based in the US of A I created the above monster. I am proud to say that it is one of the ugliest hoodies I have ever seen.
After playig with their designer I started to wonder how long it will be before Zazzle provides such a service for Print on Demand designer hoodies. It is not so different from the Keds designer at Zazzle except at Zazzle you can actually upload your own designs.
Actually I like hoodies not color complicated like this but that you already showed your mind that creative.