I’m sure I am not the only one who has noticed but I felt that this event shouldn’t pass without mention. Last night, while I was sleeping Zazzle passed the 10 billion product mark. To be honest, when I saw it the other day I thought it was going to be 10 million and I was pretty impressed but last night before I went to bed I noticed that it was in the billions instead of the millions. Now that is very impressive.

This feature of showing the number of products being sold in Zazzle is quite new but it is a pretty cool feature and one that I quite enjoy checking. I’m sure the Zazzle owners love to watch it too. I think Zazzle’s new quick create tool has contributed greatly to this increase and of course the raft of new features and products that seem to popping up frequently has probably attracted a lot of new shopkeepers.
UPDATE: Zazzle have announced the 10 billionth product and the lucky person was able to receive a prize too. I should have stayed up all night uploading designs. Below is the t-shirt, a very cute number from the Cute Institute. You can read more about this topic at Business Wire. (Although I think I was the first to post this news.)

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