I can see where the East Village Boys are going with their small line of t-shirts. They are deliberately creating something that is kinda gross knowing that people will want to write about them and talk about how gross they are thus spreading the word about their line of t-shirts. The no news is bad news theory in practice. And what do you know? It’s working.
Anyway the first tee shirt here is called the cumshot tee and is designed to look like someone came on your shirt. Why the hell someone would want a t-shirt like this is beyond me but somehow I don’t find it all that surprising that someone is trying to sell it.

$30-$35 including shipping.
The second tee here takes the word Rottweiler and chnages it to Cottweiler. I am guessing it is derived from the words “caught while”. I’d say I’d leave the rest up to your imagination but by posting a photo of the tee I think you don’t need to use your imagination. Sweet design but I am not too sure I’d want my daughter to see me wearing a t-shirt of a dog masturbating.

There was another limited edition t-shirt (75) of what looks like people pissing on New York and while I am not really into that idea and am sure a few New Yorkers would be pissed about it too I do like the chalkboard style artwork.

Payments are through PayPal and you can check out their site and find out more details in the East Village Boys store.
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