Design by Humans have narrowed it down to 10 designs for the DBH10K. So you can go and vote now to help decide who gets the $10,000 prize money. Two of the three designs I voted for in the last round made it through but to be honest I don’t think either of them will snag the grand prize. I voted based on which t-shirt I would wear rather than which design I thought was the most intricate or beautiful because it is a t-shirt design contest, nobody will be hanging them on the wall. (Well, someone might.) Actually though this contest is a bit of a popularity contest too. If you are a popular designer and are active in the DBH forums there is a higher chance that you will win because your friends will vote for you. Maybe better then this voting system where the strength of someone’s personality can beat design skills, there should be a panel of judges. Anyway, I guess this is the way it is and there is not point in playing what if. Also this voting system makes the DBH community feel more involved.
This time I decided to vote for just one design and that is SOS Strawberry Flavour by gloopz.
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