I am a Dreamhost customer and this website is hosted on Dreamhost as well as half a dozen other neglected sites of mine and today I had a little look around the Dreamhost website and came across this little contest. Here is the challenge in a little copy and paste:
Create your own retro-styled DreamHost t-shirt design to recapture the early days of web hosting as we know it. If we like yours enough we’ll turn it into actual t-shirts. Our employees will get them, people on the Internet will be able to buy them, and YOU’LL get a year lifetime of free hosting! And mayyyyyybe even some copies of your own shirt! What the heck!
An here are some more details:
You don’t need to be a current customer to win. Just post a link to your entry (or entries) in the comments of this post. If you’re a winner you’ll need to be able to provide your artwork to us as a 200-300 dpi PNG file at a maximum size of 13.5″ x 16.5″. (Don’t forget the alpha channel data for any transparent areas.) File sizes must be no larger than 10 megs. Post an email address with your submission so that we can contact you if you’ve won and award you your prize!
Marlon Brando used Dreamhost to host his websites! Really!
Remember, this isn’t just a t-shirt design contest – this is a retro t-shirt design contest. Walk through a thrift store if you need inspiration. Ask anyone wearing a polo shirt what they think of your design – If they hate it, you’re probably on the right track!
I might just enter myself.
Basic details:
Submission deadline is 11:59PM PST, Sunday October 11th
Retro style t-shirt
200-300 dpi PNG file at a maximum size of 13.5″ x 16.5″
I am the Tee Reviewer. I go by several names such as deadhippo and Rude Retro but whatever you decide to call me, I will still be the Tee Reviewer. I also run the Shirt List which has the most and the best t-shirt lists as well as providing free promotion for t-shirt stores! Check it out.
Please comment with your real name using good manners.