This post was going to be titled Drugs and Sodomy at T-Shirt Hell but then, before I could write about it, T-Shirt Hell released another shirt to capitalize on the death of American icon Dick Clark. I’m not American but I did know about Dick Clark. Actually I learned about him through Friends. Monica and Ross joined Dick Clarks’s New Years’ Rockin’ Eve and hilarity ensued.
Dick Clark was known as America’s Oldest Teenager but they have zombified him because he is dead of course. I like to think that Dick would enjoy this t-shirt.
This t-shirt has a pretty good concept. I don’t think the speech bubble works well with the image but it is a popular argument for the legalization of marijuana. I don’t really know enough about it to say whether I agree or disagree with the idea.
There is no way that I would wear a t-shirt that depicts one unicorn sodomizing another with it’s horn. You know which horn I mean!
Link: T-Shirt Hell
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