There are a few grab bag type sales going on at the moment. Stay tuned. Snorg Tees grab bags are just $4.95 though. That’s a bargain. You have until June 6th to get them. Grab bags are mystery shirts which means you don’t know what you are going to get.
Link: Grab Bag at Snorg Tees ($4.95)
If that’s not your thing, you might want to avail of these special offers. Snorg Tees released 3 new t-shirts recently and as usual you can get $5 off in the first week.
What are we looking at here? You are cute is a cute science t-shirt. The 2nd is Batman and Robin re-imagined as cupcakes and the third, I am sure, is a tribute to the soon to be released Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter movie.
Link: Snorg Tees
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