New Zealand t-shirt designer Glenn Jones aka Glennz has a few designs ready to be put on a t-shirt. He made his name winning Threadless contests with his trademark pop culture references. Not so long ago he set up his own t-shirt store. I don’t think you can say he has a unique style but he does have a talent for picking great ideas, the execution of which is usually flawless. Anyway, in order to find out what designs people would be most interested in seeing on a shirt he has set up a vote page which includes 45 designs. So why don’t you check out Glennz concept tees and if there is something you’d like to see on a shirt voting for it will increase the likelihood of it being printed.
To be honest, while I think that Glennz illustrations are very cool they are not something that I’d wear on a shirt. Just age and personal style really. Regardless, I have selected my favorites which you can see below.

Many of the designs have previously been up for voting at Threadless but didn’t meet with success. I don’t think it was because they weren’t popular or that Threadless didn’t think they would sell but probably just that Glenn Jones submitted so many designs that they may have been competing with themselves.
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