I know that you may be wondering how to hide your arms with a t-shirt, at least while wearing it, as what is the point of having a t-shirt if you are not wearing it but that is not what this post is about at all. Hide Your Arms is a popular t-shirt blog. It started off as a hoodie blog (hence the name) I believe and then crossed over. Now Andy from HYA is going to produce his own t-shirt using his yet to be released new logo. The logo you can see on the tee below is fun and deserves to go on a tee although I would have printed it much smaller. That said the tees probably haven’t been printed yet and won’t be on sale until January 15th. As a long time t-shirt seller myself I can tell you that January 15th January 21st is about the worst time for t-shirt sales so I will say this to Andy. Don’t worry if you don’t have many sales at the beginning. Things usually pick up in the Spring.

Head on over to Hide Your Arms to get the Lowdtown (pun intended) on this soon to be released tee.
The release date is more like Jan. 21st, but I may jump the gun a bit, so you never know. Print size had been a big issue, I spent a couple of days weighing it up and printing out the logo on paper and sticking it to a shirt, but I want a big print, and as the print will be the same size for women’s S to Mens XXL going on the larger side for smaller shirts (I’m fairly sure that mockup is a small or medium mens) made sense.
Thanks a lot for the post!
Looking forward to it. Looking at the design again I thought that it might be fun to have the design right up at the neck…