I came from nothing is the name of a t-shirt brand that interests me hardly at all. I’m not into zombies on tees as you may realize from the lack them on Tee Reviewer. They do seem to be popular but they are just not my bag. This store seems to sell t-shirts that would be suitable for the kids clothing section in a discount store at Halloween and only then. I have seen quite a few of these type of t-shirts and I would say that while I admit that the designer(s) in I came from nothing have ability they are far from the best I have seen.
Two t-shirts did stand out though. One of course is instantly recognizable as a Wotto creation and it is my favorite tee in the store.
This next t-shirt below, I admit that I don’t really like it but the design work is very cool. The colors and the illustration are not something that works for me on a shirt but the ferocity of the panda is almost tangible. I would imagine that this tee may even give some kids nightmares.
From what I can see, there are 17 different t-shirts available all at £20 a pop and the store is hosted by Big Cartel. Check out I Came From Nothing for all your Halloween tee desires.
Apart from the tees I think the store needs a lot of work. There is no logo to speak of. There are tons of links (aka leaks) leaving the store to places like Twitter and MySpace. I think it’s cool to have the links but they shouldn’t really be a part of the menu. The menu is for navigation of a site and if done well will keep people there. This store is just begging people to leave the store which is not really something you should be doing. You never hear of bricks and mortars stores hiring deejays to play across the street or around the corner from their stores.
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