In my day it wasn’t easy to get sent home from school. Now you can simply wear a t-shirt that has the word gay on it or perhaps it’s because the word gay on it twice which could be seen as promoting threesomes? This is ridiculous in my opinion and am curious about the actual reason the kid was sent home. What was so offensive about the t-shirt? It’s not promoting hate or even partisanship but love. Love should be supported even if it is a teenage boys love for a pop icon that could pass for a male transvestite.

You can get the t-shirt from what looks like and official online store for Lady Gaga.
Read more at MTV.
LADY GAGS IS A AWSOME AND VERY LOVING CHEEK CHIC! We will Concord the HATE and DISCRIMINATION in this Country, it all starts with the Ignorant Americans. That this boy had to deal with! But that’s how change starts. AND LADY GAGA. Is a great person to lead the fight. She promised us she would. And I totally trust Ger, and u should also. I am a 36yo. FAG. And am proud to be me.. GOD BLESS THE GAYS AND GAGA! Brent Kamrath San Francisco Ca..
She does seem pretty cool. It doesn’t just start with ignorant Americans though, but with ignorant people from all over the world.