I got this Medicine Man Lacrosse t-shirt a day or two ago and at first I didn’t know what to think about it but when I put it on I thought that it looked pretty good. Of course it looks very loose because it is a large and I am a medium, at least in the t-shirt department.
It is a black cotton and polyester blend t-shirt with a custom t-shirt label. The print is a little thicker than I like but that is pretty common when you print light colors on dark t-shirts.
I think the text in the design looks a bit out-of-place but perhaps hand-drawn text would have worked better. As it is, it just looks like someone just added text on top of the design without worrying about how well they went together.
The artwork is fuzzy and perhaps that is the look they were going for but I think a sharper image would have worked better. The concept creates a powerful image, standing on a rock, the medicine man is raising his staff to the heavens while lightning strikes down.
Basically, I like the concept but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. But as I said before, I still think it makes a pretty sweet t-shirt.

As well as the custom neck label there is a simple non-text logo on the back just below the neck. It looks pretty good.
Medicine Man Lacrosse Review: Website
The Medicine Man Lacrosse website suffers from some of the same problems as the t-shirt in my opinion. The concept is pretty good but the execution needs work. The top area with the logo has lots of white space and gives off a cool modern vibe but the whole effect is ruined by these huge ugly buttons from the 90s.
The site could be tidied up a little and more focus should be put on what they are actually selling. Despite having a slideshow on the homepage there is not one picture of a t-shirt among the slides.
At the moment there are 4 t-shirts and 3 pairs of shirts, all of them with a lacrosse theme naturally. The shirts cost from $19.99 to $23.99 and the shorts cost $34.99 to $38.99. It’s a good niche and I hope they do well. Check them out.
Link: Medicine Man Lacrosse
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