I have a Facebook account but I hardly ever log in. I don’t have much of a need for it. Sure I have been able to make contact with a few people I had lost touch with but I think I still their email addresses somewhere. Anyway, I do occasionally log in and I have to say I hate all these requests where you have to add some application to your page. I did it a few times but then realized that it was a mistake and started to remove and block almost all of them. Now I have noticed that the updates area is full of spam about Mafia Wars, farms and zoos. And really who gives a shit. You want to play the games that’s fine but their is no need to inflict that shit on the rest of us. Luckily I have found that it is pretty easy to hide them from the updates. Just rollover the update, click on the hide button that appears and then select hide this application. No more Mob Wars, Farmville etc.

This shirt from JiNX is a perfect way to tell your friends to stop that shit now. Because no one does care about your farm.
I have to agree with you on this subject. I reluctantly signed up for a FB account giving in to peer pressure from a friend. I knew I wasn’t going to use it much but when all those crap apps were being sent my way, I just abandoned the site all together. My page and everyone else’s for that matter ended up looking like a teenage girl’s page out of her diary. A lot of fluff and clutter is all it was, with little substance.
I actually closed my account once before too but opened it again for some reason.