I have been slow getting around to this particular review so apologies to 2600 Strange Ave crew and thanks for not hassling me. The photo above, which I robbed from their website, shows the inspiration for the 2600 Strange Avenue t-shirt store. Well, let me tell you more. A bunch of friends got together on a summer cruise and after bantering about the ridiculousness of the super tight Ed Hardy and Ed Hardy like tees decided to have a bit of fun. Armed with a few white t-shirts and a magic marker they had a successful parody on their hands and may even have gotten laid because of it.
Realizing they were onto something, they decided to start their own t-shirt store and so 2600 Strange Ave was born. Their motto is that their is more to life than a $90 t-shirt so they give out a packet of condoms with each and every $90 t-shirt they sell.* Sometimes when they run out of condoms (due in no small part to pilfering by employees) they include ChupaChups.*

At the moment there are just 5 shirts in the 2600 Strange Ave store all of which contain their pretty cool logo. Sometimes just for emphasis the logo is on the back of the tee too. I like their logo, it works on a tee but enough is enough. Two of the tees are obvious digs at the Ed Hardy/Christian Audigier/Affliction type tees and are great for people who want to rap about that. I prefer their other tees though. They’re simple and cool.

The tee that they sent you can see above. It is a Gildan black t-shirt and contains a list of what you can expect to find on the aforementioned tees. This list illustrates the formulaic approach to designing such a t-shirt and is spot on. There’s not much designing to it but I think that that may be the point.
All the tees are $20 and they give $2 for every shirt sold to a charity.
Check them out: 2600 Strange Ave.
*Some of what I wrote may have been fictional.
This design with gold and white combination of print has come out really great on a black t shirt. I think it would have looked really great if they could have put more detail. i..e the print covering more of the front chest position.
I’m guessing they intentionally avoided a big print as that is what they were parodying.
I think these guys are tapping into a market that is perfect. I hate the D-Bag Ed and Edna Hardy idiots walking around town with bugger sugar dripping off their noses.
Great job…I just ordered all five shirts! Keep it up gents.
Rude Retro,
Thanks for the review! We’re glad you liked the shirt and appreciate the feedback. Hilarious, by the way.
Custom t shirts,
Thanks! We love the black/ white/ gold combo, too. Rude was right, we were going for the minimalist look with the print size, but thanks for the feedback!
2600 Strange Ave