Well, it wasn’t that long ago that someone sent me some t-shirts and provided very little information. I was able to dig some up about that company but I am not too sure what is going on with this one but I did find an interview for those of you who are interested in where Kraezy Clothing came from. I especially liked this line:
…he did things at school and throughout his childhood that he refuses to speak about. “There are certain stories which must remain untold for now. One day, I’m sure all will be revealed, maybe in a book or a film, but I’m not quite ready for that yet.”
What did he do I wonder? Do an upper-decker in the headmasters bathroom?
Anyways, I should be talking about the shirts but first a word about the Kraezy website. It’s a splash page (first mistake) with … hold on. Just take a look at the screenshot of the website below and tell me how many links are on the page.
The answer is one. The only thing that you can click is the word “Enter”. Interesting. And when you do click it it takes you to the Big Cartel store. A url redirect to the Big Cartel store would be better than this. And if for some reason you wanted to go back to the splash page from the Big Cartel store you have to use the browser back button because the “Back to site” link at the top of the store is a bad link.

Anyways, t-shirts. The guys at Kraezy sent over three t-shirts. They all have sewn in custom tags as well as hang tags on pretty cool retro style string. I don’t know what the blanks are but they are heavy cotton tees. Great for cooler climes. I found them to be looser than American Apparel standard tees so maybe they’re not so bad in the summer either. Not Yokohama summer but somewhere less humid.

The first tee here is a logo tee. I thought I totally rocked this red logo t-shirt but Mrs. Retro said no. She’s not into the red on me. When did I get too old for red? Anyway, you guys know that I’m not all that into branding on the tees unless it is clever or the logo is awesome or perhaps just discrete. This red tee is a straight up logo tee. It’s a step up from a Hewlett Packard polo shirt that the printer salesmen wear when setting up in-shop displays. The one at 90 degrees in the store is much better but really it is still a logo tee.

I don’t remember what they were but years ago there was a product that spoofed lots of other products. Maybe they were stickers or something like that. You know, they would take a famous brand and change it slightly to make it humorous. I came across them recently on the web but I just can’t remember any details. Anyway shirt no. 2 reminds me of those. In this case they are adding a bit of humor to the wash (see how I did that) with a washing detergent parody. It’s a solid design but a little bit too square for a tee. Square as in the shape. I’m not quite sure who they are marketing it to though.

Tee no. 3 is pink. I know that Rude Retro totally rocks pink t-shirts but they are really not my thing. The design on this tee is the best of the three and the one that makes you think of the graffiti which is where his design skills were cultivated having been a vandal graffiti artist since the age of 6. Big typography with clouds/bubbles and surveillance cameras. Check, check, check. Other colors are available that I’m sure would suit my fair complexion a bit better though.
Check out their selection: Kraezy Clothing.
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