Back in January I mentioned that Cafepress in collaboration with Rolling Stone were selling a limited edition Barack Obama inauguration t-shirt. These t-shirts are not the regular Cafepress t-shirts but rather a special fulfilment item for Rolling Stone. They were heavily promoted for a while and of course they are pretty cool. I decided to order a couple, one for the Mrs. and one for me.

They arrived a while ago but I haven’t had time to post about them until now. To be honest I should be spending this evening doing something else as tonight is a deadline for some web design I am doing and tomorrow is a deadline some writing I have to do so I’ll keep it brief.

The shirts are a very light material and actually look just as they do in the promotion pictures on the Cafepress web site. The color of the t-shirt is perfect and just the type of thing that I like to wear. My wife was also happy with the t-shirt and its fit. We were so impressed with them actually that we were going to buy another couple to keep for when these wear out but when I went back to check they were no longer for sale. Well, they did say limited edition. The only criticism I have about the t-shirts is the big double logo of Rock the Vote and Cafepress on the back. Still, that won’t stop me from wearing it.
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