A quick search tells me that I haven’t really talked about Split Reason on Tee Reviewer before. I am quite surprised actually as they have a fantastic selection of tees that I am very familiar with from occasional browsing of their website. I’m sure I must have sent off a few t-shirt related tweets about them at some stage but there have been no dedicated Split Reason post. Split Reason is based in Canada apparently and they are purveyors of fine apparel for geeks and gamers. They have a huge selection of tees, hoodies and other goodies so you are sure to fond something that will satisfy even the most discerning geek.

The t-shirt that they sent over is a very simple black tee which they said is one of their most popular items. I can really understand why too and not just because the design is very simple and can be worn in many situations but because it really speaks out to those of you (us) who have ever been addicted to video games. I am not a video game addict but I have been obsessed with a few games in my time, most recently Grand Theft Auto IV and I have stayed up way to late playing when I should have been either working or sleeping. In the past I have spent whole days playing games and barely seeing the sun.

Anyway back to the t-shirt. Actually they are using the XBox 360 Achievement Unlocked message as inspiration for this design and it is a rather popular meme that has been floating around the internets for quite some time now. This is one of the cleverest and most appropriate that I have seen yet. The t-shirt is a plain black cotton t-shirt by Alstyle and costs just $18.95.
Check out Split Reason for just about the coolest collection of geek tees on the web.
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