Not that long ago TeeFury had a special sale where you could get a t-shirt for $5. The catch was that you couldn’t choose which t-shirt they sent you. It was basically a lucky dip but for $5 a shirt it was hard to lose. While I didn’t have time to tell you about it I did have time to purchase a few tees at this time. Ahem…sorry about that. The t-shirts arrived pretty quickly and you can check them out below.
The first two t-shirts are Wotto t-shirt. (He sure does get mentioned a lot on this blog.) I like his work but as I have said many times, I think it would be more suited to a children’s book than a t-shirt but they seem to be quite popular. I am actually wearing the Wotto t-shirt as I write this. The first t-shirt, the one I am wearing, is instantly recognizable as a Wotto but I was surprised to find that another that we had received was also a Wotto. It looks like something you would find at Threadless in that it includes a simple joke. When I think of Wotto I don’t think of this type of humor. Cute design but I don’t really dig the light blue.

The third shirt is A Day Late by Greg Abbot. My feeling about this tee? Meh. I like the colors but I’m just not into the text. My wife liked it fine though and she’s the one who has to wear it. Also the print looks bigger in real life than it did at TeeFury which is this case is a good thing.

Very cool shirts. I’m with you, not too crazy about the third one there.