Last week the theme of ShirtFight was El Presidente’s Birthday and I had an idea for it myself but no time (and possibly to talent) to execute it. I was going to create a picture of a luche libre robot about to jump off the corner ropes of the wrestling ring. Yeah, probably beyond me. Anyhoo, the winner was Greg Abbot with his imaginative illustration, equally unimaginatively titled El Presidente’s Birthday. Actually the illustration was inspired by the imagination of El Presidente himself. You can check it out below. It is a little strange there was no pic of El Presidente himself wearing it.

It’s on sale at the moment for only $15. I guess it will go up to $21 soon so don’t wait around.
The new ShirtFight theme has been launched and it is a sweet one. I hope it will inspire some great designs as the last one did. The theme is subliminal and you are encouraged to use glow-in-the-dark ink and discouraged from using text or images of penises in the design. Check out the video below. $500 prize for the winner.
Please comment with your real name using good manners.