During the US elections there were many stories of people getting sent home from school for wearing political t-shirts but I didn’t really expect to see it happening in the UK. But then again they are having US style political debates so they might as well add some US style ridiculousness to the mix. One teenager was sent home from school for wearing a t-shirt with this poster printed on it.

You can read more details at the Guardian who surprisingly enough are the ones selling the t-shirts (through Spreadshirt) that caused the issue. The tees are a bit crap and they made me think two things. I should be making British political tees are there is apparently a market for them and the Guardian must be struggling if they have to supplement their income peddling tees through Spreadshirt.
You can check out the offending tee and this much better Reservoir Dogs parody tee below at Spreadshirt.

It’s genius on the part of the Guardian if you think about it for a second. They created the t-shirt that caused the issue and then they had something to write about in their paper. Awesome.
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