I have mentioned the crowdsourcing/crowdfunding t-shirt site Cameesa before and I have been waiting for a design that I would like to support. You can check out my previous post about Cameesa’s crowdfunding system for details but put briefly, for a t-shirt to be printed at Cameesa it needs investors. If there is enough investment ($500) the t-shirt will be printed. The rules have changed slightly since my last post making t-shirt investment more attractive but you can check out their site for details.

Well the time has come for me to put my money where my mouth is. This mockup of a t-shirt by Draco will be my first venture into crowdfunding a t-shirt. So if you like this design and want to see it as an actual t-shirt I ask you to go over and invest $20. If it is fully funded the least you will get is a sweet t-shirt. If the t-shirt becomes very successful and sells about 700 shirts you can even get your investment back. (Disclaimer: Please check the math yourself: $0.03 per every shirt sold.) If the shirt doesn’t get printed you can even get your money back. What have you to lose?
Please comment with your real name using good manners.