T-Shirt vendors have been making money from slips of the tongue of politicians since I before I was born but with the advent of PODs like Cafepress and Zazzle it really took off. The risk is small. Basically all you risk is wasting time and I have wasted time on some designs. You don’t know that when you are designing them though, you always think that this design could be the next big money maker. Anyway, I digress. What I really wanted to talk about is how the world is realizing that there is money in t-shirts and if this example I am about to show you doesn’t convince you I don’t know what will.
I’m sure you remember but just in case I will remind you. Not that long ago when the Health Bill passed in the US Joe Biden in his excitement dropped the f-bomb. Yes, he said fuck. Actually he said “this is a big fucking deal” while his mic was still on. As you can imagine t-shirts sprang up pretty quickly and I am sure some money was made.
But the surprising thing for me was that Barack Obama himself wanted in on the action and the above t-shirt went on sale in this official store. If the staff of the President of the United States of America spends some time to get these t-shirts printed there must be a lot of money to be made. Right?
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