Because there are just so many god-damned Dale Murrays in the world he had to use his middle name too. You know, just to stand out from all the other designers named Dale Murray. And just in case there is another Dale Edwin Murray he wants it to be clear that this is Dale Edwin Murray: t-shirt designer slash illustrator.
I have to admit that I am a fan of the character seen above. I wonder if it is a self -portrait. Anyways, if you like that character it is available on a shirt at German t-shirt store, A Better Tommorow. Actually it is an awesome version of that character.

I have seen a lot of Dale Edwin Murray’s stuff around and I’m a but surprised that it has never been featured on Tee Reviewer before but hey, better late than never, no time like the present, the past is the past…
…where was I? Oh, that’s right. Tomorrow. A Better Tomorrow. Even more awesome than the awesome shirt above is the chameleon shirt below which is also available at A Better Tomorrow or rather it would be available if it weren’t sold out.

OK, so one is sold out and another is almost sold out and they are both for sale on a German site and I can’t read German. Dale Edwin has also been printed at Threadless so no worries. Well, one of them is sold out too. I’m not really into either of these designs but they are clever and Squeeze is cute to boot.

Dale has some nice stuff and his designs have been printed in various t-shirt stores around the web and I could go into detail but you can read more about D on his own web site (which looks like it needs to be updated).
Link: Dale Edwin Murray
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