Taking advantage of the hype over the internet sensations of both the Three Wolf Moon t-shirt that made the news recently because of the fact that some outrageous but quite funny comments on its Amazon page drove huge amounts of sales to this item and the LOLcats meme known as keyboard cats. You can check out that one for yourself.
Well, anyway after just a couple of days it received an unprecedented number of votes and comments and without waiting for the usual Monday release Threadless put it up for sale on a Tuesday. So I guess it hasn’t been printed yet and all the orders are preorders. It is a truly awful shirt and even worse than the Three Wolf Moon t-shirt but I am sure that it will be a great conversation piece for about 10 minutes now and if you keep it for about 20 years you can pull it out again and get another 10 minutes out of it.

It has caused a bit of controversy over at Threadless too with some people accusing Threadless of jumping the shark and of being sell-outs. Even popular t-shirt designer Wotto seems disappointed/confused by the decision to print this t-shirt.
I actually don’t mind it printing, why miss the opportunity? The artwork isn’t that bad and the artist seems deserving. What bothers me a little is the changing of the rules that established Threadless to cash in on a fad.
Doesn’t woot! handle fad tees?
I feel the same way, I can’t imagine anyone actually wearing it more than once.