Again, over at Loiter I noticed that Tom Burns has added to his portfolio. One of his t-shirts that I have mentioned a couple of times on Tee Reviewer is the Communist Party at Threadless. This is a pretty cool tee and probably one of the most reprinted shirts at Threadless. I knew that their was another version over at Loiter but when I went there today I noticed that there were two new part t-shirts: the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. They are both pretty sweet too. Anyway, to get your hands on one of these t-shirts just click on the image to go to their stores.
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Yea…Loiter is off the hook. By far the most in-depth catalog out there. I like that all of their stuff is truly original and not copied off of most of the other companies out there selling about 3/4 of the same stuff most of which is based on Chris Farley and Ben Stiller movies.
Their designs are good…wonder about the print quality and if their shirts are comfy or not? Anybody got any?